Thursday 27 February 2020

C2 Week 4: Snorkeling Fun, Baking and Kapa Haka!

What a busy week we have had in Community Two! 

Thank you to the parents that left us a message on our blog this week. We love to get your responses and like to share these with the children!

We started off the week by going snorkeling. Thank you to The Oaks for letting us use their pool! We had a great time and the children have been writing a recount this week of their trip. You can see these in the publishing books we sent home today. Please remember to leave a positive comment.

Here are our few snaps we took...

Some of us have also been busy bakers today making chocolate chip cupcakes...YUM! 

And finally we ended the week with our Community Two Kapa Haka practise. We will be doing Kapa Haka every Friday from 11-11.30am. We can't wait to share more of what we learn with you but for now please enjoy this video below...

Thursday 20 February 2020

Welcome to Community Two - Week 3

Hi everyone,

Every Friday we publish something on our community blog for you to see some of the things we have been up to in C2.

This week we have been continuing learning the routines of your child's new classroom. We are always looking out for children who are showing that they are an ACTIVE learner. This could be for showing that they are adventurous, collaborative, thoughtful, innovative, valued or empowered.

You may have noticed our community tree. Children throughout the week work towards filling the tree with leaves (their hands). To get their hands on the tree they aim to get three bugs on our chart. These are displayed around your child's guardian area. We encourage them to show these dispositions at all times however, when we notice something exceptional they add a bug.

If the tree gets full with the leaves by the end of the week we have an action station time. Here we do activities such as baking, construction, craft, art, sports games etc. This week the children chose which station to go to. Below are some pictures from today.

Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...