Thursday 17 September 2020

Week 9... Conversations, Book Characters, Production Preparation and Learning throughout!

 We seem to say this every week, but...WOW! What a week it has been. 

This week we enjoyed watching the students during Parent Student Conversations take their beloved adults around the community, proudly showing off their favourite pieces of work. It was really lovely to see the enjoyment that came from the discussion about their different subjects and of course the laughs at the 'How well do you know your child?', quiz table. 

We were fortunate enough to welcome Whaea Sandra into our community for Māori Language week. Whaea Sandra spent time teaching us about the different family terms in Māori . The students got to create their own whānau tree's with finger paint faces. 

The students got to dress up as their favourite book character. Due to weather conditions the parade was minimised and completed in the community, however; the students strutted their stuff none the less. It was great to see the students dressed up in many different ways! 





 It was amazing to see the clever ideas and homemade designs! Check out this costume representing 'The Very Itchy Bear', Eliza designed and made this one herself. All the costumes deserved their applause!  

This week was full of exciting different events that left everyone smiling but also ready for rest. We hope you have a restful weekend and come to Week 10 ready for learning and also our school JUNGLE BOOK PERFORMANCE!

Thursday 10 September 2020

Week Eight

What a beautiful week it has been. The weather has turned around and the sun was shining so we decided to take a break from production and play a few games. 202 went out and played a fun game of T-Ball. We saw some amazing striking and fielding. Some of us even learnt how to share and work together as a team. 201 and 204 went out and practised their soccer skills. There was a lot of laughter and fun all over the field. 

We had some amazing pieces of writing this week too. Here is a wonderful piece of writing by the wonderful Isaac. 

Don't forget to book in for your Student Led Conference next week. 
We have been busy creating our Calendar Art for you all to purchase as well! 

Friday 4 September 2020

Welcome Back!

 Hi everyone, 

Wow! What a week we have had. I am sure just like us teachers the children are feeling tired after this week back at school. 

We got straight back into our learning and towards the end of the week it was like the children had never been away. 

Below are some pictures of them waiting to go on stage and practising. Also, a sneak peak at our beautiful production background that has been designed and drawn by Janelle Herrick. 

Next week we will be getting ready for our learning conversations that are happening on 16 and 17 September.

Please go to to book!

Don't forget!! 
Our annual book fair will be held during the week commencing 14 September, culminating in the much anticipated Book Character Day on the Friday, when students may come to school dressed as a character from a favourite book. More information will come home shortly.

Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...