Thursday 6 August 2020

Week Three

Week Three

What an exciting week 3 we have had. This week some of community two's students went to the A and P show grounds to Interschool Cross Country where they competed against other schools around our local area. Here are some photos of them giving their best:

Well done to all those who were involved!

 Motuhake Show:

We were also lucky enough to attend the Motuhake Show. This shows has an important message about how to be resilient, caring, and share with others. This is shown through a unique performing arts act. Motuhake promote that, “We all have our own unique special gift. We must support each other to find and share these talents”

Some of our learners were lucky enough to take part in this show. 

Tuakana Teina:

This afternoon we collaborated with community 5 and we came together to sing, dance and read with each. It was so much fun! Here are some photos of us reading with our older buddy:

Have a great weekend. We will see you all next week for week 4.


1. Please have base costumes in a named bag by Friday next week (14th August).


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Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...