Friday 6 November 2020

Community 2, Term 4, Week 4.

Week 4 has come to a close and we are all still feeling a little bit tired from an amazing Athletics Day! We hope that the students came home and shared all of their stories about being an athlete. All of the teachers were very impressed with the respect and care each child showed their fellow competitors on the day. 

Later in the week the students  had an opportunity to brainstorm, share and write down their stories of the day and also the different things that made them an athlete. Have a look at some of the quotes from our community 2 students;

"I am an athlete because I work hard to get better."

 "An athlete is someone who practices to make progress not perfection!"

"When you are an athlete you know that it is ok not to win. When you don't win you get to cheer on your other friends!"

"My favourite part of athletics day was running as a fast as a cheetah!"

This term we have all been enjoying the sunshine when it peeks through the clouds. The students have especially been enjoying time during lunch to come together and share stories under the big shady trees. However; we are all having to also remember that it is time to be sun safe and have a hat on! 

We can not believe we are so far through the last term already. We want to extend a big thank you to you all for your continuous support to keep the students organised and ready to learn. Although it has been busy year, the learners in community 2 are still showing focus and striving to be A.C.T.I.V.E learners. 

We have an exciting few weeks ahead with the upcoming flower show, walkathon and disco! We are looking forward to seeing you all next week! 

-Community 2 Teachers

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Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...