Sunday 6 December 2020

Community 2, Term 4, Week 8

 It was an exciting week for us in Community Two as we had a visit from Waste Busters, a farewell assembly for our amazing Mrs. Barnes and an engaging production performance by Community 5. All of us were as engaged as we were intrigued during our visit from the Waste Busters as we learnt about different ways to recycle, reuse and reduce in our own home. We explored the different materials that  plastics, papers and glass are made of and what happens to them when they are returned to our environment.  It was interesting to see how many learners already knew about the alternatives to plastics, including beeswax! We also learnt the important part that worms play in the health of our soil. It was interesting to hear the different ideas our learners had about how to keep the environment around them safe. 

As always.... we have been enjoying spending some time in the sun playing and working together as a team. We have also been tediously watching the development of our new play area. 

Week  9 is expected to be as exciting as on Monday we have a visit to Snells Beach for our end of year picnic, a community clean up of our school environment and some more learning about the world around us and what we can do to keep it vibrant and healthy.

We look forward to another week!

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Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...