Thursday 28 May 2020

Term 2 Week 7

 The time keeps flying away in Community 2! 

Another fabulous week has flown by in community 2. This week had been filled with exciting new topics to learn about, literacy stations all about butterflies and of course our Teddy Bear Picnic, along with many more educational experiences!

This week marked the start of a selection of topics for the students to delve into during our ‘topic inquiry’ part of the day. The students had the choice of learning about New Zealand Birds, the Environment Around Us and Space! These choices were derived from a very large brainstorm conducted by the students. It was really interesting to see what topics the students were fascinated with.

Our Teddy Bear Picnic was a favourite for many this week. Students were able to bring in their favourite teddy or one that participated in the NZ Bear Hunt. We shared our special ted with the guardian groups and as a community enjoyed the company of our friends and their teddies. We even had a go learning new songs with them!

It was another fantastic week! Enjoy a safe and restful long weekend. We are looking forward to the week ahead starting on Tuesday.

- Community 2 Teachers

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, thank you! Looking forward to hearing interesting facts from the topic inquiry research!


Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...