Thursday 11 June 2020

A week of mystery

On Thursday our Community had a mystery visitor, and we are still unsure who came along and left white footprints. We had to eliminate anyone in our Community, so we decided that we need to measure our own feet and compare them to the footprints left. We can safely say that no one in our Community matched the footprint and the mystery continues.

In Topic we have continued to explore different areas.

Our Mother Nature group have been looking at a Butterfly Life Cycle and comparing it to a Life Cycle of a plant. We went outside and explored the swan plants and found this beautiful caterpillar getting ready for their Chrysalis. 

P.E Lesson 
While other students were learning their dance moves for the production, the rest of us went across the road to the big field to practice our throwing skills in a P.E. lesson. 

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Week Nine

 Week Nine in Community Two What an exciting week we have had. We started off week nine with our end of year picnic at Snells Beach.  We all...