Friday 19 June 2020

Community 2 , Week 10 : Another Wonderful Week!

Another wonderful week !

This week the students enjoyed a range of exciting and explorative educational tasks. The biggest joy for many seemed to stem from some new numeracy tasks. In numeracy we have been focusing on measurement, both length and weight. Students have been looking at different measurement tools and using these tools to solve problems. Towards the end of the week students were able to explore the use of balance scales to decide which fruit was the heaviest and which the lightest. Earlier in the week students were able to use uni-fix cubes to measure and put in order of height different illustrations from the much-loved book, 'Guess how much I love you'. Next week the students will begin to explore the concept of mass.

The community also contributed to the search for a logo for the Warkworth School. Towards the end of the week, a lot of focus and effort went in to the many designs that are now in the hands of Mrs. Holden. The designs were creative and in some cases collaborative.

The students have also begun looking at interesting ways to create story retells using technology. This week many of the students engaged with an application called 'Puppet Pals'. It was amazing to see how quick the students new their way around the app! 

We are looking forward to another wonderful week in Week 11! See you then!
- Community 2 Teachers

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